Re: [] Thirsty

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Thirsty
Date: 09:48 on 16 Feb 2004
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:28:33AM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
>Not really that related but, due to the wonders of free bottled water at 
>work I'm going through at least one 1.5L bottle of Highland Spring a day 
>(along with my normal 2 pints of water over the cours eof a night) yet 
>I'm thirstier than ever. Hmm.

The thirst mechanism can be triggered by lack of salt. It's increasingly
common these days as people try to eliminate salt from their diets;
drinking pure water just makes this worse as ionic concentration gets
forced down. Another common symptom of this problem is muscle cramps
(salt is crucial for nerve conduction). Make sure you're getting enough


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