Re: [] Thirsty

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Thirsty
Date: 09:56 on 16 Feb 2004
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:48:05AM +0000, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:28:33AM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> >Not really that related but, due to the wonders of free bottled water at 
> >work I'm going through at least one 1.5L bottle of Highland Spring a day 
> >(along with my normal 2 pints of water over the cours eof a night) yet 
> >I'm thirstier than ever. Hmm.
> The thirst mechanism can be triggered by lack of salt. It's increasingly
> common these days as people try to eliminate salt from their diets;
> drinking pure water just makes this worse as ionic concentration gets
> forced down. Another common symptom of this problem is muscle cramps
> (salt is crucial for nerve conduction). Make sure you're getting enough
> sodium.

How much is "enough" sodium, btw?  I am pretty certain I'm getting
plenty (I have a tendency to oversalt my food slightly; though I'm
probably still doing better than a lot of people because of not eating
ready meals & so forth, which AIUI have lots of salt in), but I'm

Thirstiness: might it be partly that you're noticing it more?  I found
that when I first started trying to drink the recommended 2l a day
(having never really drunk water much at all before; don't like the
stuff much), I found it difficult; but after a while I started noticing
that I was thirsty more often.  I doubt this was a salt problem (see

Then of course there was last summer when I was drinking 5l upwards a
day, but then there was a *reason* for that i.e. it being absolutely
sodding boiling.  


There's stuff above here

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