Re: [] Vodka jelly babies

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Vodka jelly babies
Date: 15:35 on 23 Mar 2004
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 03:31:00PM +0000, KAY WISTOW A15 wrote:
> --- Received from GA.KWIST1 791 2377                        23-03-04 15.31
>   ->
> I thought vodka didn't freeze - hence using it as anti freeze in my
> windscreen washer bottle.  or am i being stupid?

It doesn't. But why would that stop it bonding with gelatin?

> **************************************************************************
> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 15:19:38 +0000
> Subject: Re: [] Vodka jelly babies
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 03:10:27PM +0000, Peter Sergeant said:
> > Aren't they covered in magic sugary dust? Drying them, then soaking them
> > isn't going to work well...
> You could always just dust them again - it's only icing sugar.
> A freind who did this injected individual jelly babies with vodka but
> that's quite laborious.
> The alternative is to make vodka jelly. IIRC (and, unfortunately, the
> process of making vodka jellies is diametrically opposite to the ability
> to remember afterwards) use only 3/4 of the amount of liquid that is
> require don the packet and, of that, make half of it vodka (so if you
> normally need a liter than you'll need approx 750-800 ml of liquid of
> which 375-400ml will be water and 375-400ml will be vodka).
> Then pour into little man shaped mould et voila.
> However they'll be much more wobbly than Jelly Babies so perhaps the
> answer is to go to a catering store and try and find catering gelatin
> which, I belive, can be made much more solid. You'll need to flavour it
> though.
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