Re: [] Fresh and frozen spinach

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] Fresh and frozen spinach
Date: 17:50 on 23 Mar 2004
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> Now foodsubs is saying 1lb (450g) fresh = 5oz (150g) frozen,
>   ie 3:1 ratio.
> And my experiment and experience are saying 125g fresh = 100g frozen,
>   ie 5:4 ratio.
> Quite a difference.  Can anyone explain this please?

differences in testing. differnce in cookign methods.
peopel makign things up as they go along.

quite frankly when im cooking i only ever take masurements as a guideline.
if you loiek spinach add more. if you dont add less. surely the fun of
cookign is experimenting anyway.

although those ratios might explain why the sag aloo i cooked a long time
ago was very spinachy.

i had a point somewhere honest.

Bob Walker
3 s.f that is the accuracy of the number of the beast

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