Re: [] Fresh and frozen spinach

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Fresh and frozen spinach
Date: 23:05 on 24 Mar 2004
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> > Now foodsubs is saying 1lb (450g) fresh = 5oz (150g) frozen,
> >   ie 3:1 ratio.
> > And my experiment and experience are saying 125g fresh = 100g frozen,
> >   ie 5:4 ratio.
> >
> > Quite a difference.  Can anyone explain this please?
On Tue 23 Mar 2004, Bob Walker <> wrote:
> differences in testing. differnce in cookign methods.

If both those results are valid then this is *so* not scientific.

> peopel makign things up as they go along.

I suspect this of being the true answer.

> quite frankly when im cooking i only ever take masurements as a guideline.

Oh, me too.  I cannot be arsed to measure things when I'm cooking
something normally.  My estimates are quite good enough.

However when I am cooking something that I intend to publish then I am
ridiculously careful.  If I am cooking for testing purposes then I can
take like five times as long to make something.  When I'm testing I
measure *everything* to be sure that the amounts I give in the recipe
are roughly the amounts I actually use.  This may sound unnecessarily
particular, but one of the things people praise my site for the most
is that my recipes *work* as written.  A surprising number of
published recipes don't.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 16:15 on 29 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41