Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Aubergines grilled with miso
Date: 23:16 on 24 Mar 2004
On 24/03/04 23:09 +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> On Tue 23 Mar 2004, Simon Batistoni <> wrote:
> > Cut half centimetre-thick rounds of aubergine. Take each round, and
> > first dunk it in the egg, coating both sides. Then dunk it in the
> > flower so that it has an even convering.
> > 
> > Shallow-fry the rounds for about two minutes, turning occasionally to
> > cook both sides.
> That's awfully good stuff.  I like it with a fresh tomato sauce.

It's ridiculously easy too. I like it as an accompaniment to main
dishes (and yes, tomatoey things are great - the curry I did it with
was tomato-based) because you can basically polish it off at the last
minute with very little hassle.

Your quoting made me noticed that I typed "dunk it in the flower."
Whilst aubergine with geranium-pollen batter might be interesting,
that wasn't the intended effect...

There's stuff above here

Generated at 16:15 on 29 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41