[london.food] Use it or lose it

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Use it or lose it
Date: 20:04 on 27 Mar 2004
A recent mouse-related incident resulted in me throwing out a selection
of dried goods: rices, pastas, noodles, beans, lentils, etc.  It was
liberating - some of these packets had been sitting there for years
and even moved house with me.  I discovered food I didn't know I owned.

(I note in passing that mice who steal green lentils leave the skins.)

However some things were mouse-proof, due either to packaging or to
location.  I can't bring myself to throw away good food, so I decided
to use it.

Part of the reason things hang around in my kitchen is because I
"might need them" to make another batch of the recipe I acquired them
for, or for some other recipe belonging to that cuisine/style/genre.


When I make too much tamarind paste, it *will* sit in the fridge until
it grows mould (about three months, I think).  When I buy two kilos of
carrots even though I only need half a pound because that's what size
the bag is and they're-good-for-me-anyway-so-I-should-eat-more-of-them,
they *will* take up far too much space in the vegetable drawer until
they reach retirement age and go all wrinkly and stop being hard.
When I see a packet of snow-dried tofu in the wholefood shop and get
all excited because I've never seen it before but I have a recipe that
I saved from a mailing list back in 1995, I *will* have most of the
packet left over and not like the recipe anyway.

Anyway.  I also have a kilo and a half of lentils.  That's what size
the bag was, and they're good for me anyway, so I should eat more of
them.  This isn't a problem, since I adore lentils almost as much as
aubergines.  Lentils go with anything!

I am going to test that last statement.  If lentils really do go with
anything, then they should help me clear out my cupboards.

I have started modestly.  I have some lentils simmering right now with:

* carrot (counts as something needing clearing out; see above)
* potato (see carrot)
* tamarind paste (from Indian meal cooked a week and a half ago)
* a slightly wrinkled tomato that I suspect of having been too close to
  the back of the fridge at some point and hence getting briefly frozen
* some paprika (the big bag was cheaper than the small jar, honest,
  that's why I have 200g of it)
* a spoonful of onion marmalade (in recipe-testing phase to put on
  website; it's very very nice but it's not worth publishing a recipe
  that only makes a small amount of it, and, well, I do like to run
  more than one test)

and also things that I don't need to use up but which taste nice: hot
chilli powder, sauteed onion, squeezy garlic, squeezy mixed herbs.

Wish me luck.  Other things languishing in the cupboards include five
types of seaweed, some "ume-shiso sprinkles", 100g of dried anchovies,
a tin of enoki mushrooms, a tin of "spiced minced prawns", the
aforementioned snow-dried tofu, a bag of agar flakes, a jar of
noritamago furikake, a jar of vine leaves, a jar of pickled
something-that-looks-like-baby-sweetcorn, a tin of "vegetarian stew",
three or four tins of Heinz soup in flavours that I don't like, and a
bag of chickpea flour.


Generated at 14:50 on 30 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41