Re: [] Use it or lose it

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Use it or lose it
Date: 16:22 on 29 Mar 2004
On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 08:04:21PM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
> Anyway.  I also have a kilo and a half of lentils.  That's what size
> the bag was, and they're good for me anyway, so I should eat more of
> them.  This isn't a problem, since I adore lentils almost as much as
> aubergines.  Lentils go with anything!

I had a really nice (lebanese?) lentil dish with someone the other day. 
The recipe, I think is.

Saute some onions (about 1 medium one per person) in olive oil until
deliciously brown and then chuck in some some lentils, salt and water
for about 15 minutes and then add the same amount of rice (having
searched for a better description it seems that if you do this with
brown rice they should go in at the same time) and cook until they're
both done. 

Stir it all together since the onions will have risen to the top and 
serve with yoghurt. It was really nice, much more so than I thought. 

I plan to experiment by adding fried aubergines or something at the end, 
possibly with some harissa. Maybe bunging some cumin in with the 

Ah, apparently it's called 'majudarrah'

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