Re: [] Fruit savouries (was: Use it or lose it)

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Fruit savouries (was: Use it or lose it)
Date: 10:51 on 30 Mar 2004
Simon Batistoni wrote:

> When people talk casually about "fruit" they usually mean "sweet
> fruit" (for want of a better classification).

And for that matter according to the EU a carrot is classified as a fruit.
The story behind this is that in Portugal they make carrot jam, and the
EU decided it was easier to classify carrots as fruit than to allow an
exception to the rule that something called jam has to be made with a
certain percentage of fruit.

(And no, this isn't one of those hoaxes about banning bent bananas -
the person who told me this was in favour of the EU.)


There's stuff above here

Generated at 14:50 on 30 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41