[london.food] Food for kids

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: [london.food] Food for kids
Date: 17:17 on 31 Mar 2004
One of the projects I'm working on at the moment is with a group of kids -
6 - 12 year olds. There's a meeting every second Friday, with the group,
and we provide a substantial snack as part of it.

Traditionally, there've been sandwiches and crisps and fruit and fruit
juice, but because we have nowhere (nor time to) prepare the food it gets
picked up from local supermarkets or sandwich shops, and is expensive and
fairly boring for the kids. We've experimented with pizza, which goes down
*really* well (odd, that :)) but we don;t want to do this every meeting -
it has 'treat' status atm, and that's a Very Good Thing.

Ideally, they'd like to have Macdonalds or KFC, but that's a bit too
not-healthy for us. There's quite a few finicky eaters in the group, so
anything 'odd' will be looked on with suspicision. Has anyone got ideas
for takeaway or ready-made food that we can get and serve easily? It needs
to be eat-from-paper-plates-able, and not very messy. I have racked my
little branes and come up with not-very-much.



Generated at 10:00 on 07 Apr 2004 by mariachi 0.41