Re: [] regrettable

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] regrettable
Date: 11:35 on 08 Apr 2004
Made me laugh out loud a few times!!

This really makes me realise why you don't see many "English"

On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 11:13, Simon Wistow wrote:
> A little light hearted food related japery before this extended bank 
> holiday , and in a simialr style to James Lilek's Gallery of Regrettable 
> Foods 
> Also I'd like to mention that i really rather like Sainsbury's oven cook 
> currys. They're cheap, tasty and surprisingly filling and very easy to  
> do when you're entertaining. 
> Sadly they only had chicken left when I got some last ngiht but the Goan 
> fish curry is lovely.

Generated at 15:30 on 15 Apr 2004 by mariachi 0.41