Re: [] Nibbly things

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Nibbly things
Date: 21:08 on 26 Apr 2004
On Apr 26, 2004, at 17:09, Kate L Pugh wrote:

>> Chilli Rice Crackers.
> Ooh, yes.  Good call.  Now, where's the cheapest place within zone 2
> to buy them?  (Am on a budget.)

Errm - I suppose Hendon is too far! ;-)

Maybe somewhere in chinatown?

>> Yakitori. Make up the kebabs, and then fling them under the grill for 
>> a
>> couple of minutes at the last minute.
> Hm, could do.  Will they really stay nice for 2 hours, though?

Well, I was thinking in terms of making a large batch, and then cook a 
handful every 20 minutes / half hour.

>> And depending on how hardcore your guests are, some natto, in little
>> blocks. Nasty to eat, but great fun to play with.
> I do *not* want natto all over my living room, thank you very much :)

hehe. Yes. I can imagine that would be /bad/.

(I confess that I'm quite partial to Natto and egg and sashimi salad 


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