Re: [] Baked potatoes

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Baked potatoes
Date: 13:58 on 08 May 2004
My local kebab shop does a reasonable attempt at a veggie kebab - chips, 
hummous, and salad. Not really nice, but when you're drunk it's great!


Juliet Kemp wrote:
> On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 12:16:29AM +0100, Peter Sergeant wrote:
>>>Hummous (probably not unusual, but I'd never thought of it till I saw it
>>>in a baguette-type shop in Oxford a year ago).
>>Sure it wasn't a kebab van? Oxford Kebab vans are the ancestral home of
>>chips and hummous, kebabs and hummous, and, generally, any hummous-based
> Nope, definitely a baguette-place.  Don't remember my local kebab van
> (McCoys, by Pembroke) doing hummous, in fact...  They did have v good
> veggieburgers, though.  Why doesn't London have kebab vans?  Not,
> obviously, that I eat kebabs, but they all did veggie stuff as well
> (though never eat a veggie kebab - this translates as 'pitta bread with
> salad in' & is the biggest ripoff ever).  
> Juliet

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