Re: [] A smoothie question.

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] A smoothie question.
Date: 12:37 on 26 May 2004
On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 09:18:52PM +0100, Eemeli Aro said:
> Earlier today, while shopping, she came to me with a rather large bag of 
> potatoes and declared them "very good for making smoothies". On her 
> part, this was a joke -- but I've gotten it into my head to take her 
> seriously and try to make a potato smoothie.

Well people used to bulk up milk shakes with mashed potatoes. 
Apparently. I have no proof of that.

Either way I presume you'll need to cook them lightly first. And 
probably use Waxy potatoes rather than floruy. and maybe strain them 
through muslin or something. Actually if you did that you wouldn't want 
to cook it first.

 [ vague ticklings of memory ]

Ahah, I had this (or something like this) once ...

... it was horrible.

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