Re: [] A smoothie question.

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] A smoothie question.
Date: 12:27 on 26 May 2004
On 25/05/04 21:18 +0100, Eemeli Aro wrote:
> I've recently gotten into making fruit smoothies, largely by the 
> let's-toss-these-fruits-in-the-blender-and-see-what-happens type of 
> method. The results, I'm pleased to say, have been rather good. Now, my 
> partner has enjoyed them even more than I have, on account of her not 
> having to do anything to get a freshly prepared smoothie in front of her.
> Earlier today, while shopping, she came to me with a rather large bag of 
> potatoes and declared them "very good for making smoothies". On her 
> part, this was a joke -- but I've gotten it into my head to take her 
> seriously and try to make a potato smoothie.
> But there's a problem. I have no idea how to make one work. The closest 
> things I've managed to find online are a sweet potato smoothie base at 
> and 
> an obscure reference near the bottom of this page at a Norwegian site 
> (search for 
> "potato" on the page).
> I've got a gut feeling that making it savoury instead of sweet is the 
> first step in making it edible; a kind of vaguely currylike taste might 
> fit. I also have no problems tossing in any other fruits or vegetables, 
> as long as there's at least some potato in there somewhere. Oh, and I've 
> got 1.5 kg of potatoes to play around with.

The immediate thought is along the lines of tomato juice (mmm. bloody
mary) - effectively a savoury drink, and great when spiced up with
tabasco, worcester sauce etc.

Of course, tomato has a stronger flavour than potato generally does -
but perhaps you could co-opt a few of the little red darlings for your

The other thing I wonder about is how you'll actually make the potato,
well, smooth. They're pretty hard when it comes down to it (although
carrots have a similar rooty consistency, and carrot juice works
fine). Even so, you're heading for a glass of mashed potato if it all
goes wrong... :-)

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