Re: [] burgers.

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 12:36 on 03 Jun 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 12:18:17PM +0100, James Bywater wrote:
> >I really like adding either choopped gerkins or capers. And radishes. 
> >Radishes are nice.
> Radishes! They are also the easiest food crop to grow. I have about 30 
> growing in a very large pot in my back garden. They are yummy :o)

Not keen on radishes - but I've found that rocket is also very easy to
grow (not surprising, really, since wild rocket - which is the stuff to
get - is a UK native), and tastes *way* better than it does in those
plastic bags from the supermarket.  Much pepperier.  And rather
cheaper....  It's not yet too late to plant for this season, if you do
it sharpish, & if you're lucky the plants will last through the winter -
we were getting fresh rocket again by late March.  

This year I am growing many things in pots in the garden:
Herbs - basil (still at the seed stage after the last lot got ravaged by 
slugs), chives, thyme (2 sorts), summer savoury, sage, rosemary, mint.
Veg - courgettes, baby sweetcorn, carrots, onions, rocket (in huge
quantities, mmm rocket).
Fruit - one blackberry cane, 3 raspberry canes, and a wild grape vine
(discovered at the bottom of the garden last year).  

The blackberry and raspberries aren't supposed to fruit this year,
according to the label.  But they seem not to have read the label, and
there are little baby unripe berries all over all of 'em.  


There's stuff above here

Generated at 22:00 on 16 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.41