Re: [] burgers.

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From: Leo Lapworth
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 13:35 on 03 Jun 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 12:36:57PM +0100, Juliet Kemp wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 12:18:17PM +0100, James Bywater wrote:

- basil (still at the seed stage after the last lot got ravaged by 
> slugs), 

I've had this as well - got there too late so they're all in tatters now,
but I'm getting the buggers now.. and "how do you do that" I hear you ask...


Sink a small bowl in the soil, leaving a lip of about an inch
(to stop the good bugs falling in) above the soil. Fill with
beer (I'm using some old cans of Carling - which seems to work)
and check back the next day to find loads of the blighters
all drowned in Beer - there are worse ways to go.

I'm still trying to work out how often to replace the beer,
it depends if it's rained or not.

You get the odd snail as well.



There's stuff above here

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