Re: [] burgers.

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 13:41 on 03 Jun 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:28:19PM +0100, James Bywater wrote:
> Marna Gilligan wrote:
> >Mint is incredibly easy to grow - hte big problem with it is that it will
> >Take Over The World (and that's *my* job!).
> They say (about mint) "can be invasive with an indefinite spread". You 
> both make it sound like they are alien invaders!

They *are*.  Mint is a right bugger if not kept in a pot.  Never, ever
plant it straight out.  Unless you want a garden full of mint and
NOTHING ELSE.  I swear, bindweed is easier to get rid of[0].


[0] Yep, we have some.  I rip it out whenever I see it, but have given
up any attempt to genuinely get rid of it forever.  On the other hand,
the thing it's climbing up is the pyrocanthus[1], so I don't care too
much if the damn thing gets strangled.  Not, sadly, that this is likely.
I was told last year that pruning it at the wrong time might give it
fire-blight, but did it hell.  

[1] Also known as 'fucking pyrocanthus'.  Spikey.  *Irritant* spikes.
Grows like a bastard.  We have 3 separate instances of it, and they've
all attacked me at one time or another.  I wouldn't mind if just *one*
of them had been planted in front of the back fence to defend against
whichever of the local yobs nicked my bike from the back garden last
winter, but as it is it seems entirely useless.  Though I suppose the
birds like the berries, and it looked quite pretty for about 3 days last
week when it flowered.  

There's stuff above here

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