Re: [] English w(h)ine

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] English w(h)ine
Date: 17:48 on 04 Jun 2004
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Ben wrote:

> Malcolm Gluck, in the Guardian on English wine (he has no
> time for it):
> I've had some very nice English wine, from these people:
> Admittedly, it's more in the traditional English alchol-made
> from-fruit-not-grapes but the elderberry in particular, is
> very pleasant.
> Thoughts?

my main problem is that most of the english wine (that i have seen in my 
travels) is white, which i can't drink and the occasional red wine is made 
in such quantities that demand outstrips supply and i never get to have a 
taste unless i buy a horrendously overpriced bottle (i assume it's 
overpriced, but i haven't tasted it so i couldn't say)

anyway, i stopped in at this place this morning on the way back from a 
holiday in sunny wales:

my friends who i was with bought bottles of sparkling wine (referred to as 
welsh champagne within moments) mainly as a novelty.

i bought some cheese.

it looks like it could be a nice place to have a wander around though - 
although it falls way into the the tiny cottage industry category that the 
article mentions.


...all I know is that VAX is synonymous for sucking.
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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