Re: [] Creole Salads

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From: Ben
Subject: Re: [] Creole Salads
Date: 21:32 on 15 Jun 2004
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 10:35:14AM +0100, James Ramirez wrote:
> Tonight I am cooking pan-fried Creole chicken with coconut rice for L,
> my new SO. She has a penchant for salads and I wondered if anyone had
> any suggestions for something suitable? Other ingredients in the main
> include: green chillies, pineapple, banana, celery, spring onions,
> lemon juice, salt and pepper; it is basically described as hot and
> sweet and sour.
> Similarly drinks to serve with it? Am wondering if a sweet/fruity red
> might be too strong?

I'd serve the Chateau Musar with a salad like that. 

Then again, I'd serve it with quite a few things.

Yes, that top-level domain is correct.


There's stuff above here

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