Re: [] A challenge - Amoroso rolls

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] A challenge - Amoroso rolls
Date: 00:39 on 15 Jun 2004
On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> I am told by a new acquaintance that the only acceptable bread to use
> for a cheeseteak is an Amoroso roll.

why are you ruining a steak by having it with rolls and cheese anyway ;)

> I am further told by the
> interweb that one cannot make these, only buy them.

if it is because of the water that may be solvable given enuff time and 
money. bass when brewed outside of burton has to use burtonised water. 
Basically they throw lots of crap in till it has the same chemical 
composition as the trent. It is amazing what you learn on economics trips

> Can anyone here prove the interweb wrong?

the interweb never lies. it is your friend

Bob Walker
"So on Fridays and during Lent people used to eat beaver." - Neil Gaiman

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