Re: [] A challenge - Amoroso rolls

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From: Jakob Whitfield
Subject: Re: [] A challenge - Amoroso rolls
Date: 12:12 on 15 Jun 2004
> I am told by a new acquaintance that the only acceptable bread to use
> for a cheeseteak is an Amoroso roll.  I am further told by the
> interweb that one cannot make these, only buy them.

Having had a Philly Cheesesteak at Pat's, the original home of this 
junk-foody goodness, I must confess that the rolls did not strike me as 
being that special. Basically they seemed like mass-produced spongy 
hot-dog-roll-a-likes. Obviously you need all the TLC *ahem* and industrial 
additives that a commercial bakery like Amoroso's puts into their rolls...

Generated at 21:00 on 20 Jun 2004 by mariachi 0.41