[london.food] Freezing bread

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: [london.food] Freezing bread
Date: 16:48 on 15 Jun 2004
I've made an observation, that the act of freezing and thawing bread 
seems to extend its shelf life. There are times when I have bought a 
quality wholemeal loaf and not wanted to start using it straight away.
I have frozen it, to unfreeze a few weeks later. Lo and behold, the 
thawed bread keeps for much longer than freshly bought bread.

Which is useful to know for someone leading a batchelor pad existence :).

Maybe the freezing is killing off micro-organisms (yeast?) latent in
the bread, waiting to make it go mouldy.

Generated at 12:00 on 19 Jun 2004 by mariachi 0.41