Re: [] Stuffed baked cherry tomatoes

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Stuffed baked cherry tomatoes
Date: 11:50 on 19 Jun 2004
On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 07:35:12PM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> I want to make some stuffed baked cherry tomatoes, and I want them to
> be vegan.

- Feta Cheese and toasted Pine Nuts

- Raisins soaked in dark rum, maybe mixed back in with some of the 
  chopped tomato 

- Sweated carrot, onion, celery and sage

- Haloumi (? - not convinced this will work)

- Blue cheese (presuming it's vegan), maybe with breadcrumbs

- Nut roast. For some reason that feels like it might work for me.

- A variety of sweated mushrooms - chanterelles and some shitaki for the 

- Roughly chop together some chives, onions, garlic and whatever else 
  takes you fancy

Ooh, I could go on for ages with this :)

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