Re: [] Creole Salads

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From: Ben
Subject: Re: [] Creole Salads
Date: 14:41 on 16 Jun 2004
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 08:46:40AM +0100, Billy Abbott wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Ben wrote:
> > I'd serve the Chateau Musar with a salad like that.
> >
> > Then again, I'd serve it with quite a few things.
> Iain Banks, of being a writer fame, is of a similar opinion. I read "Raw 
> Spirit" his book about cars and his friends (and occasionally whisky) a 
> little while back and he goes on a bit about how nice it is...and also 
> that it's hard to find and expensive...

Yes. Mr Banks was one of two places I read rave reviews of it - within 
the space of about a week, then on the weekend following, found myself
in a place which had it on the wine list. So I had to try it...  
> is that last bit true?

Berry Bros and Rudd ( have it in stock, usually
for about 13 pounds per bottle. Not sure if you can just wander in to
their St James Street store and pick up a bottle or two, but that seems
likely. I'd say it was a spectacular bargain at that price.


There's stuff above here

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