Re: [] Potato salad (was Re: Cold snack food)

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Potato salad (was Re: Cold snack food)
Date: 20:21 on 20 Jun 2004
On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 08:19:07PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> Since I ended up not hosting but travelling across London, I wimped out
> and made Deadly Attack Potato Salad. Very simple: a load of potatoes (I 
> think I had about 20 new potatoes this time), chopped into roughly 
> half-inch blocks and then boiled for ten minutes; while that's 
> happening, peel and chop a head of garlic medium-coarse* into some 
> decent-sized glops of mayonnaise and stirred around a bit. Drain
> potatoes, put into tubs, stir in garlicky mayonnaise, stir in extra
> mayonnaise as necessary. It smells a lot more vicious than it tastes,
> but was pronounced a success.

I don't understand. You said potato salad. Where is the spring onion?

Sounds nice, though. I've never tried garlicky potato salad before -
usually use home made mayo [quite lemony] with tonnes of black pepper
and sliced spring onions...


There's stuff above here

Generated at 21:00 on 20 Jun 2004 by mariachi 0.41