Re: [] Surprising food combinations

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From: Jakob Whitfield
Subject: Re: [] Surprising food combinations
Date: 17:27 on 09 Aug 2004
> My dad used to put a small amount of salt on watermelon back in Bermuda.
> Sounds stupid to me, but apparently it makes it taste sweeter.  Maybe
> there's a connection?

Yeah, one of Heston Blumenthal's (Oh him of the Olympian *** heights)
pieces in the Grauniad Weekend a while back had something about this.
Apparently, if something's bitter (I think cauliflower puree was his
example,) you can add a surprising amount of salt before it gets any
saltier; at first it just gets sweeter.

Maybe someone with a copy of McGee can look up the full science behind


There's stuff above here

Generated at 22:00 on 10 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41