Re: [] Surprising food combinations

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Surprising food combinations
Date: 21:46 on 10 Aug 2004
On Aug 9, 2004, at 3:52 PM, David Turner wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 02:49:46PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
>> I was sceptical but it worked really well - the saltiness of the 
>> cheese
>> complimented the sweetness of the melon.
> My dad used to put a small amount of salt on watermelon back in 
> Bermuda.
> Sounds stupid to me, but apparently it makes it taste sweeter.  Maybe
> there's a connection?

Where I'm From(tm), it's normal to put salt on your watermelon.  well, 
i prefer it without, but my mom salts it by default--which is why i had 
it salted last time i went home, so i'll eat it either way.

it's a southern thing, like sweet iced tea.  just something you take 
for granted.


There's stuff above here

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