Re: [] Salsa

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Salsa
Date: 15:23 on 09 Aug 2004
Juliet Kemp wrote:

> The dislike is mostly based on the fact that it's over-sweet & slightly
> artificial-tasting (I presume this is due to the stuff they put in to
> make it last in the jar - I don't tend to notice it in the time-limited
> pots that come from the chill cabinet).  

> Oh, I don't dislike it *that* much, just not enough to eat it neat with
> bread.  Extra spices might work - or something bitter to cut through the
> sweetness (though I'm not sure how well that would actually work...)

To counteract the sweetness you don't want something bitter. Add a bit of
salt and maybe some lime juice, which is nice in salsa anyway. Lime will
perk things up quite nicely.

Some finely chopped raw onion and maybe some peppers would give it a bit
more texture.

The artificial taste may also be down to the slight oiliness of some of
the salsa you can get in jars. The lime juice will help here too.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 22:00 on 10 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41