Re: [] Salsa

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Salsa
Date: 15:16 on 09 Aug 2004
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 03:00:06PM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> Juliet Kemp wrote:
> >We seem to have vast quantities of salsa in the fridge.  Not the nice
> >stuff, sadly (or I'd just eat it with bread), but Doritos or whatever.
> >I keep making this error of remembering that I like it, when what I
> >*actually* like is the nice stuff.  
> How much do you dislike it?
> If you just find it a bit bland and boring, you could try livening
> it up with some extra chillis or spices, or may stir in some chopped
> raw vegetables to give it a bit more crunch.

Adding extra veg might work.  

The dislike is mostly based on the fact that it's over-sweet & slightly
artificial-tasting (I presume this is due to the stuff they put in to
make it last in the jar - I don't tend to notice it in the time-limited
pots that come from the chill cabinet).  

> If you actively loathe it, then you'll have to try harder to cover
> it up, and it might be easier to just donate it to someone who does
> like it and get/make something nicer.

Oh, I don't dislike it *that* much, just not enough to eat it neat with
bread.  Extra spices might work - or something bitter to cut through the
sweetness (though I'm not sure how well that would actually work...)

> Incidentally, what do you regard as "the nice stuff"?

Either the stuff I've made myself (chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic,
coriander, chilli, lemon/lime juice), or the stuff that supermarkets do
in plastic tubs that lives in the same place as the hummous.  That tends
not to be so over-sweet, & doesn't have as much in the way of
preservatives (though I expect there are some - there usually are).  


There's stuff above here

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