Re: [] mushroom, mushroom!

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] mushroom, mushroom!
Date: 15:02 on 16 Aug 2004
* Simon Wistow ( wrote:
> Having had a tasty mushroom soup for lunch I'm in the mood to cook with 
> mushrooms. Something stuffed possibly. 

how about another mushroom soup?

	brown some garlic (about 4 cloves) and spring onions (white and
	green bits - cut off the little hairy bits of course) in 4 table
	spoons of butter, moderate heat - about 5  mins.
	(as for amount of spring onions say (10-15))

	add some flour (4 table spoons) and let it soak up the flavour for 
	a minute or two.

	add mushrooms (a carton of them) and good chicken stock, and bring 
	to the boil.

	simmer for 5 or 7 mins

	use the blender on it.

	add in about a 'cup' of double cream.

	use the blender again, its the same as mixing after all and you
	probably didnt do enough of it earlier on.

	bring back to the boil.

	serve with a sprinkling on chives on top

i had this yesterday with some bread and sparkling red wine and it was
very nice.


Greg McCarroll               

Generated at 14:00 on 18 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41