Re: [] Bread-jelly

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Bread-jelly
Date: 20:11 on 22 Aug 2004
On Sun 22 Aug 2004, Pete Sergeant <> wrote:
> BREAD JELLY.--Toast some stale bread, take off the crusts, put the soft
> part in a bowl, and sprinkle sugar and a little salt over and between;
> cover with boiling water and stand in a can of boiling water; steam
> gently until the contents of the bowl are like jelly. Eat warm, with
> powdered sugar and nutmeg.

Sounds like a sort of steamed bread pudding, only not as nice.

Now what I would really like is not a way to use the parts of bread
that aren't the crusts, but a way to use the parts that are, after
I've used the middles to make summer pudding or something.  What
happens at the moment is that either I put them in a bag in the
freezer and throw them out six months later when we do a grand
defrosting, or I put them in a bag in the kitchen for Nick to feed to
the birds when he goes for a walk by the river, and throw them out a
week later when they've gone mouldy.

> (
> (Your google skills suck ;-)

What search string did you use?


There's stuff above here

Generated at 12:00 on 30 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41