Re: [] Afternoon tea - jam and tea bready stuff

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Afternoon tea - jam and tea bready stuff
Date: 02:30 on 30 Aug 2004
On Sun 29 Aug 2004, Jakob Whitfield <jakob.whitfield@xx.xx.xx> wrote:
> I also tried kake's fantastic gingerbread recipe
> ( Soya fake
> products are not my thing; happily, I can report that the recipe works
> fine with butter instead of soya marg and real milk instead of soy milk.

Did it actually taste any different from my version though?

(Yes, I know I have a piece in the kitchen, but I don't want to open it yet.)


Generated at 18:00 on 03 Sep 2004 by mariachi 0.41