Re: [] Afternoon tea - jam and tea bready stuff

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] Afternoon tea - jam and tea bready stuff
Date: 17:18 on 03 Sep 2004
* Martin Frost ( wrote:
> My mother always used to put a lump of butter in her jam to get rid of the
> scum. This did indeed work, but I have never heard of anyone else doing this
> (apart from my grandmother, from whom she learned this).
> No, I don't know where the scum goes when you do this. ;)

I'd guess fairly randomly, that the butter means there is a tiny layer of
butterish oil on top somehow. And that if the potential scum cant get
in contact with the air it never realises its full terrible scum state.

It's really a metaphor for the value of the class system - and somehow
the beckhams broke through the butter ;-)


Greg McCarroll               

There's stuff above here

Generated at 18:00 on 03 Sep 2004 by mariachi 0.41