Re: [] freezing dough

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] freezing dough
Date: 14:30 on 22 Sep 2004
I use my bread machine to make the dough, but I ALWAYS freeze some pizza
bases, this way I can make dough once every 2 weeks or so, and have a
pizza once every few days.

I make the bases, part bake them for 3-5 mins, and then squash all the air
out if they have inflated (don't get burnt!) and put them in the freezer,
separated by tissue paper or wrapped up in clingfilm.

I don't really notice the difference between my frozen bases and fresh
ones TBH, but they are always better than a shop-bought pizza!


On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Martin Frost wrote:

> I like making pizza, but the total time to make and prove dough and
> then cook the thing means that we end up eating very late if I start
> after work.
> I know that a lot of pizza restaurants use frozen dough, and I'm sure
> that many more keep their dough in the fridge.
> What experience do people have with this? Any tips? At which stage
> does freezing/refrigeration work best? Does the quality suffer?
> (Not that my dough is ever up to much in the first place.)
> I'm thinking along the lines of making a double or triple batch of
> dough one weekend, putting one portion in the fridge for the week,
> and freezing the rest.
> --m

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