[london.food] freezing dough

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: [london.food] freezing dough
Date: 13:36 on 22 Sep 2004
I like making pizza, but the total time to make and prove dough and
then cook the thing means that we end up eating very late if I start
after work.

I know that a lot of pizza restaurants use frozen dough, and I'm sure
that many more keep their dough in the fridge.

What experience do people have with this? Any tips? At which stage
does freezing/refrigeration work best? Does the quality suffer?
(Not that my dough is ever up to much in the first place.)

I'm thinking along the lines of making a double or triple batch of
dough one weekend, putting one portion in the fridge for the week,
and freezing the rest.


Generated at 15:00 on 28 Sep 2004 by mariachi 0.41