Re: [] Cutting up fishes again

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Cutting up fishes again
Date: 18:42 on 03 Oct 2004
On Oct 03, 2004, at 13:17, Kake L Pugh wrote:

> What I am wondering is how much flesh should I be expecting to get
> from one of these?  They aren't very big and the fishmonger said
> they're one per person.  I ended up with 5oz from this one.

That sounds about right, depending on the size of your fish and your 
filleting skillz0rs..

> And another more general question: How do I work out which discarded
> bits of a cleaned fish are good to put in stock?  Bear in mind that I
> like tripe and natto, so an answer like "don't use the bits that look
> icky" isn't going to help.

 From the cavity, nothing's good apart from the liver. Everything else 
is good, especially heads. Although it does depend on how you like your 
stock, too..

> Oh - and how do I scale a fish without most of the scales pyoinging
> back and going everywhere?

Do it under a running tap. Doesn't stop them all, but you'll get most 
of them in the sink. Don't forget to use a crudcatcher!

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

Generated at 19:00 on 04 Oct 2004 by mariachi 0.41