Re: [] Cornbread

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Cornbread
Date: 07:56 on 06 Oct 2004
On Wed 06 Oct 2004, Mike Jarvis <> wrote:
> Sorry for the lack of reasoning there, it's just that cornbread is a
> huge part of southern culture.

I think I need a different word for what I'm making.  It's not
traditional USian cornbread at all.  Then I can change it about as
much as like without any spinning ancestors.

> Cornbread should be pretty dense.  The one cup milk to one cup corn
> meal/polenta sounds kinda off tho.

Maybe cornmeal and polenta work quite differently.  I got a sort of
sloppy batter that seemed exactly right.  Another cup of polenta and
it would have been almost a kneadable dough.

> You'll have to make a batch and feed it to Candace so she can judge
> the polenta.

I shall do that, when I start my dinner parties up again.

I shall also see if I can locate any real cornmeal and have a go with that.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 13:00 on 06 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41