[london.food] Mince Pies

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From: David Turner
Subject: [london.food] Mince Pies
Date: 14:16 on 18 Dec 2004
I'm usually pretty rubbish at making pastry but this recipe made some
really nice pies:

12 oz Plain Flour
3 oz Butter
3 oz lard
1 oz sugar
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp water to bind

Rub the fat into the flour until it goes like bread crumbs, then work
in the egg and water to make a dough.  It's quite dry this one so it's
a bugger to roll -- stand it for 30 mins to give yourself a fighting

Cut the bases fill with mincemeat (bought mine!).  Brush with milk and
use a scalloped cutter to cut the tops.  Brush with milk again, and
cut a whole in the top.

15-20 minutes in the oven at 220C .

When you take them out, try not to drop them all on the floor.  If you
do, don't swear as much as I did because it scares the neighbours.

"Two beers please, my friend is paying."

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