[london.food] Carrot Cake

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From: Mike Jarvis
Subject: [london.food] Carrot Cake
Date: 03:04 on 25 Dec 2004
Hi all,
A quick whisky fueled recipie posting before I go to await
Santa. Carrot Cake.

2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 1/14 cups veggie oil
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup (or more) chopped pecans
3 cups grated carrots

Mix 'em all up, beat 'em good.  Pour into two 9" cake pans, bake at
350(f) (175 (c)) until done.

Beat 1 stick of butter together with one 8oz package cream cheese and
2 tsp vanilla.  Keep pouring in confectioner's sugar until very light
and fluffy (I used most of a box).  Frost the cooled cake.  Reserve a
little frosting and make some orange and green with food
coloring. Pipe on a lopsided carrot.


Uhm, I hear sleigh bells. Have to go jump under covers. g' night!

Americans have different ways of saying things. They say 'Elevator;'
we say 'Lift.' They say 'President;' we say 'Stupid Psychopathic Git.'
- Alexai Sayle

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