Re: [] Mince Pies

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] Mince Pies
Date: 12:49 on 10 Jan 2005
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005, Martin Frost wrote:

> Bob Walker wrote:
>> tomoroow im going to try making the pastry with vegetable lard. I will see 
>> how that turns out.
> In my experience vegetable shortening makes adequate pastry, but all fats
> impart different structural and textural qualities to the resulting pastry,
> so if you're trying to recreate the exact pastry you'd get with lard then
> you'll be disappointed.

It was different but not terribly so. The people who had them thought they 
tasted okay. :)

Bob Walker
"I'll try to reroute the encryptions" - Kyle

There's stuff above here

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