[london.food] Christmas dinner

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: [london.food] Christmas dinner
Date: 13:44 on 18 Dec 2004
I will be cooking a Christmas dinner (turkey et al), at a mate's house: Gordon - some
of you may have met him at London.pm. I have been called of to give him a hand
as he rates my abilities in the kitchen. He has a son called James, with lots
of allergies:

 - Nuts (all nuts, but especially peanuts)
 - Dairy food
 - Eggs

I want to provide an interesting range of side dishes that James can eat. This
should prove an interesting challenge :). I am interested in suggestions.

One of the dishes I will be planning to cook is the following recipe passed to be
by my mother, originally from a Kelloggs corn flake packet - verdict: rather nice,
and I have cooked it before.

Corn Flakes Sausage Stuffing

1/2 large packet (6oz) Corn Flakes
4oz finely chopped onion
3oz butter or margarine
1lb sausage meat
5 tbsp milk (but I will use soya milk)
Salt and pepper to taste

Quantities are for a 12lb turkey.

Fry the onion in butter until golden brown. Lightly crush the corn flakes with a rolling pin.
Add crushed corn flakes to the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

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