Re: [] Slow cooker

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From: Jakob Whitfield
Subject: Re: [] Slow cooker
Date: 21:44 on 17 Jan 2005
> I asked on and people seemed to think that
> veggies would work in the slow cooker.  Someone suggested some recipes
> involving sweet potatoes; I was going to try a sweet potato soup in it
> tomorrow.  Bad plan?  The booklet that came with the cooker said to
> cut root vegetables no thicker than 5mm, so I'll certainly do that
> since the soup will be pureed.

That might work; I've always found if I don't parboil cubed potatoes in my
stews they tend to stay crunchy; cutting them thin would help.

> > Which reminds me, I must try the recipe for four-bulb garlic soup I have
> > somewhere...
> Please share.  I bought five bulbs today.

Will dig it up; basically it involves softening garlic cloves for about
45 minutes in butter or goose fat, adding stock and then thickening with
egg yolks.

There's stuff above here

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