Re: [] Cheese

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Cheese
Date: 09:53 on 27 Jan 2005
On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 09:12:20AM +0000, Roger Burton West wrote:
> I have not, in the last ten years, met an imported cheese in the UK
> that hadn't been frozen for transport. This kills it. I've even seen
> posters in supermarkets suggesting that Brie _should_ have a chalky
> stripe down the centre.

I'm sure Pete's had Roquefort from Neal's Yard that was good.  And
certainly the Comte (er, I think it's that) from one of the stalls
Borough Market is apparently fantastic.  Maybe it'd be even better
otherwise, I guess...  Mind you, quite a lot of the cheese he gets from
Neal's Yard is UK anyway, I think.


There's stuff above here

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