Re: [] Cheese

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Cheese
Date: 09:12 on 27 Jan 2005
On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 11:50:55PM +0000, Kake L Pugh wrote:
>Bob and I are eating some Demi Pont L'Eveque, described on the (Tesco
>Finest) box as "a classic, rind washed cheese made from unpasteurised
>milk with a rich, tangy flavour and distinctive aroma".
>It is disappointing.  The texture is not interesting and the flavour
>is faint.  It's been out of the fridge for over an hour and it still
>tastes like I took it straight from the cold.

I have not, in the last ten years, met an imported cheese in the UK
that hadn't been frozen for transport. This kills it. I've even seen
posters in supermarkets suggesting that Brie _should_ have a chalky
stripe down the centre.

I get all my special cheese directly from the shops in Calais; the
French either don't have the same regulations or don't bother to follow


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