[london.food] [REVIEW] Foridita

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] [REVIEW] Foridita
Date: 13:07 on 01 Feb 2005
My housemate decided to take me to dinner for my brithday and chose 
Floridita - the new Cuban inspired place where Mezzo used to be and 
horrifyingly opposite work for a Saturday night.

Anyway ... entering Floridita is a quite a grand affair. A long sweeping
stairway wafts you down into a rather decadent interior of red, cream
and black and then deposits you neatly near the bar (which has very few
seats, either a sign of confidence or a indication of looks over
practicality).  A whisky sour wasn't quite to my liking but I'll concede
to that being a matter of taste.

The bar was the first encounter we had of the rather strange formally 
familiar style of serving - the bar man cheekily chastising us for not 
having said good evening (although we had, he just hadn't heard us).

When I'd finished my drink we were seated very quickly and given a basic 
of bread, butter and olives (which were replaced not once but twice 
during the evening). 

For starters I had a very peppery duck ragout affair and my housemate 
had squid and octopus cerviche. Both delicious (although I fret that 
someone other than me might not enjoy the pepperyness of the duck). 

These were briskly whipped away and our waiter, who had previously
compared wallets with housemate, winkingly deposited more bread (the
second load). Shortly afterwards our main courses turned up - Pot roast
belly pork, cheeks and morcilla sausage (almost teetering on the edge of
being a cassoulet) for him and Spit roast suckling pig with garlic, lime
& oregano for me.

We ordered rice with black beans and bacon and roasted mushrooms with 
chorizo as side dishes which was *far* too much since the main 
dishes came with a smattering of accompaniment themselves. 

Although the sides were both very nice - I'll definitely be trying to 
make both of them at home.

For dessert I had a rather nice Tokaji which I asked for as 'Toe-kay' 
and was gently rebuffed that it should be pronouced 'Toe-key, something 
I'm not convinced about. Hosuemate had a rtaher splendid chocolate cake 
with hazelnut ice cream.

Although in someways it felt like we rushed through everything we 
tripped out 2 hours after we'd walked in (of which half and hour was 
spent at the bar) feeling rather satisfied. Final bill was somewhere in 
the region of 100 pounds for the two including wine, cocktail and 12.5% 
service charge. Figures are approximate since I wasn't allowed to see 
the bill and also since housemate isn't drinking at the moment.

Worth a visit I reckon - good date place and not *outrageously*
expensive. We booked in advance but there were a few spare tables around
us and we booked for 7:30 on Saturday.

Generated at 00:01 on 08 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.41