[london.food] sunday evening potatey cheesy bake thing

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] sunday evening potatey cheesy bake thing
Date: 14:08 on 07 Feb 2005
We've just got a new fridge which, since the old one was being removed 
meant that I had nothing substantial in the fridge. A post stag night 
hangover made me forget that the shops close  at 4 on a Sunday and so I 
was left with the prospect of unidentifiably dark 'meat' sausages 
with a picture of a horse and a frog creature on them from local corner 
shop (which would also have required leaving the house) or whipping 
something else up.

Inspired by a new saucier (a christmas present from the folks that 
hasn't been used yet) and a chapter on gratins from "It must have been 
something I ate" (the sequel to Jeffrey Steingarten's "The man who ate 
everything" although, sadly, nto quite as good) I did this

1. Whacked the oven on to 230
2. Sliced some potatos medium thin and boiled for approx ten minutes
3. Chopped up some (~2 slices) bacon into 'bits' and gently fried - when 
   they started curling slightly I whacked in some left over red wine, 
   deglazed the pan and then poured in enough to just cover the bacon 
   and simmer slowly.
4. Buttered a baking dish and then rubbed two cloves of garlic over it.
5. Chopped the galric finely and bung it into the wine and bacon.
6. Took the potatoes out and drained them
7. Made a white suace adding mustard, white pepper and then some red 
   leicester (probably about 100g)
8. Layered the potato in the dish, poured the bacon bits and wine 
   reduction over evenly - at this point it's more a drizzling
9. Poured over the white (well, orange) sauce.
10. Bake for about 40 minutes

It came out lovely and souffled and the winey bacon run through was a 
nice bite. Should feed about 4 people.

my ignorance is large - it contains multitudes

Generated at 00:00 on 16 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.41