Re: buttermilk (was Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling))

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From: Nicola Tarbet
Subject: Re: buttermilk (was Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling))
Date: 15:06 on 14 Apr 2005
I have occasionally bought buttermilk from Sainsbury's in Camden Town but
not with any reliability. When I can't get it I use the following substitute
which I found in a Canadian recipe book.

15ml (1tbsp) vinegar plus enough milk to equal 250ml (8fl oz) can be
substituted for 250ml (8fl oz) buttermilk.

It didn't specify a type of vinegar so I just use malt vinegar. I let it
stand for a while before I use it. It seems to work. I use it in North
American "biscuits" (kinda like savoury scones) they make a great "pie"
topping and a cauliflower bake I have recently taken to making.

long time lurker - this is the first time I've known an answer :)

There's stuff above here

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