Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)
Date: 14:43 on 14 Apr 2005
Joel Bernstein wrote:
> Sadly yes. When I still lived with my parents I owned a really nice
> non-stick wok [shhh, it was great] which my mother tried to season. 

I sympathise. I too have had experiences with people who cannot the 
concepts of "dishwasher safe" or "non-stick"

>>p.s. Am much liking cumin, it is the seasoning du jour for me...
> Cumin is good, but the seeds get stuck in my teeth. Caraway, on the
> other hand, is the stuff of gods. Soda bread with caraway seeds in...
> Mmmm.

Hmm, well how about ground? One of my most recent findings when I was 
free to cook fish for one (girlfriend doesn't eat fish, nor sushi...I 
know, sacking offence...) was grabbing some trout steaks from 
sainsburglers, doing the usual "wrap it in foil with some oil" tango but 
adding a nice dusting of ground cumin.

Both flavours come out very nicely...*yum*

> Incidentally, ought I to post a quick soda bread recipe here? It's the
> most fantastic bread because it takes about 15 minutes to make, unlike
> yeast-based breads which take ages. a recipe for food to a list about food? It might just work! I 
can't guarantee I'll try it though, not a huge fan of soda bread. (and 
I've never tried making breads either)


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