Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: Pan-seasoning (was Re: [] griddling)
Date: 14:47 on 14 Apr 2005
On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 02:43:42PM +0100, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> Joel Bernstein wrote:
> >>p.s. Am much liking cumin, it is the seasoning du jour for me...
> >
> >Cumin is good, but the seeds get stuck in my teeth. Caraway, on the
> >other hand, is the stuff of gods. Soda bread with caraway seeds in...
> >Mmmm.
> Hmm, well how about ground? One of my most recent findings when I was 
> free to cook fish for one (girlfriend doesn't eat fish, nor sushi...I 
> know, sacking offence...) was grabbing some trout steaks from 
> sainsburglers, doing the usual "wrap it in foil with some oil" tango but 
> adding a nice dusting of ground cumin.
> Both flavours come out very nicely...*yum*

I've never tried cumin with fish... A really good seasoning for fish is
Zahtar - it's a middle-eastern mix of Sumac [aka Hyssop], thyme, sesame
seeds and salt, and it tastes absolutely delicious on fish [particularly
tuna or marlin] - sort of lemony. I imagine it's what the spice in Dune
tastes like ;) 

Zahtar also goes exceptionally well with hummous. As does smoked
paprika. MMMMM.

> >Incidentally, ought I to post a quick soda bread recipe here? It's the
> >most fantastic bread because it takes about 15 minutes to make, unlike
> >yeast-based breads which take ages.
> a recipe for food to a list about food? It might just work! I 
> can't guarantee I'll try it though, not a huge fan of soda bread. (and 
> I've never tried making breads either)

I'm not a great bread maker but soda bread is SO easy. I'll write up a
rough recipe later, and pad it out with actual measurements next time I
make a loaf.


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